Dispute Resolution

If there's anything you're not happy about in your relationship with GLOBUG, please let us know. We'll do our best to fix any problems as soon as possible.

1. Let us know

Phone our Customer Service Team on 0800 773 729. You'll find most problems can be resolved.

If for any reason you are still unhappy with our resolution or feel your problem has not been resolved adequately, there are other steps you can take.

You may make a formal complaint. For your convenience, you can use the online Formal Complaint Form at http://www.globug.co.nz/formal-feedback/

Within 2 working days of receiving your complaint, we'll write to you acknowledging receipt of your complaint and let you know the name of the person responsible for sorting out your problem. That way you'll only have to deal with one person who will be solely responsible for understanding and resolving your particular issue.

Your Customer service Representative will make sure you know what's going on with the resolution process at all stages.

As soon as possible, but at most within 7 working days of getting your complaint, your Customer Service Representative will update you on the outcome of your complaint by either phone or written explanation.

GLOBUG may notify you, in writing, of a good reason for an extension to take up to 40 working days to resolve your complaint, where such a reason exists.

2. What if we can't sort it out between us?

If you are dissatisfied with our decision on your complaint, or if we have taken longer than 20 working days to provide you with a decision on your complaint without having notified you of an extension of that time, you have the right to take your complaint to the Electricity and Gas Complaints Commissioner (EGCC).

The EGCC is a free and independent disputes service and can be contacted at:

Phone: 0800 22 33 40
Website: www.egcomplaints.co.nz
Electricity and Gas Complaints Commissioner
Freepost 192 682
PO Box 5875
Lambton Quay
Wellington 6145

3. Your other options

In addition, you can at any time contact:

  • Citizens Advice Bureau
  • Community Law Centre
  • Ministry of Consumer Affairs
  • Your Lawyer
  • Disputes Tribunal
  • Court

Important Note: Nothing in this process reduces or takes away any rights you may have under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993, or your right to make a claim to a court or disputes tribunal, or your right to refer your complaint to the Electricity and Gas Complaints Commissioner at any time.

*The Electricity and Gas Complaints Commissioner can only investigate complaints about things that happened after 1 October 2001, subject to the following value limits:

  • For events after 1 October 2012 up to $50,000 (or up to $100,000 with our consent).
  • For events between 18 April 2005 and 30 September 2012, claims up to $20,000 (or up to $50,000 with our consent).
  • For events between 1 October 2001 and 17 April 2005, claims up to $10,000 (or up to $25,000 with our consent).